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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2003-06-07 - 4:37 p.m.

Alright, put your trivia caps on because here are this week's questions.

4) Douglas Adams writes that "A towel is about the most useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have." Tell me some of the reasons Adams gives to justify his statement.

5) The New York Rangers, while getting better have also gotten worse at the same time. Within the past 5 years they took their most serious blow when one of their players quite because he was getting to old (almost 40). Who was this star athlete?

6) What famous filmmaker said "It takes only one thing to make a film - not to be afraid of anybody or anything?"

7) Drew has decided to finally makes something of himself. His plan is to beat the hacky sack record for most consecutive hits that was set on June 14, 1997. How many hits will it take the hopeful Drew to complete this task?

8) According to the Animaniacs, what sea animal does not have a brain? For bonus points, tell me what part of the show this statement came from.

And for all of you who are wondering what the answers are to last week's questions, they are as follows: 1)Gabrieli 2) the monster drowned a little girl 3) look up how to pronounce it or give my boyfriend a call and ask him. It is defined as "the act or habit of estimating something as worthless."

As for my weekend... The highlight has been being on 92.3 WTTS. I called in to vote for Friday night's cage match and the DJ thought my response was funny so he aired it! How cool, eh? I voted for the challenger, a celtic rock band from Richmond, VA. When asked why I liked it, I told the DJ that "It has an interesting sound. Plus you have to give them some credit for being from Virginia. All the BAD music comes from Virginia, yet here's something that is actually good." He laughed a lot and said "Well, you're going to have a lot of Virginians after you now." I repsonded with "I went to school there for a year so I have some weight to pull for me there." "Yeh, what's the saying? I spent a year in New York one afternoon." I laughed and then we said good byes. It was a close match, but my song lost by 2% of the votes. Very sad. =( But I got on the air! =) All is well!

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