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Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2002-04-28 - 2:31 p.m.

My room has become an ant graveyard. Usually I have a qualm with killing things, including insects but I�ve decided that it is now a question of territory and I refuse to be run out of MY room by a bunch of measly ants. I just hope midget bug guts come out of the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. *squish* Mark one up for me. Sarah: 26 Ants: 0. I think I�m winning.

The past week has gone by very slowly as it was incredibly long. Though everyone thought I was sick I was actually just stuffed up� or something. Either way I made it through all four 14+ hour school days, the lonely rehearsals, and an �interesting� band trip. So now I am straggling at the end of my weekend wondering where all the time has gone. I suppose my situation of time is only hindered by my parents who never stop to breath.

It�s funny how they wanted me to come home from school so they could spend more time with me, but I barely ever see them. Though living in a practically empty house is better than living with a psychotic roommate. I just wish that when my parents were home they weren�t running around in a tranced state general due date panic.

Families are a very weird thing. No two are alike and many people wish their family was more like someone else�s. Everyone has complaints and funny flukes. Some families fail miserably with the children and others are immensely successful. It makes me wonder what the deciding factor is. It can�t all be a loving atmosphere where no one hits anyone else. I�ve seen bank robbers come out of loving households. Can�t be all about money either. There�s Hillary whom some would say is spoiled and she is a very generous and kind person. There�s Krispy who�s not so well off on the financial aspect of things and while he is into drugs he is a nice guy. So, it�s not all about drugs and sex either. Some of the sluttiest girls I know are kinder than devout Christians. Then again, that statement can be reversed.

On the bus ride back from Indy, James and I were playing a game in which you take two objects and say which you would rather be. The most famous one is �spoon or fork,� of which I am the only person so far to say fork. If there is another forky out there, let me know who you are! I was about to ask him if he would rather be his mom or his dad, but I wanted to think of my answer first, in case he asked. Well, it really stumped me, because I would hate to be either of them! Through and through I would! They never have any time for anything. And while my father can carry on an intellectual conversation with his daughter or son he never has the time. What�s the point in knowing chess if you never get to play? Then there�s my mother who does have more time than my father, but doesn�t look past the surface of most things because she only sees the creative aspect... the aesthtic aspect (I'm not saying she's shallow. I'm just saying she's more of, "see it how it is"). What�s the use of loving someone if you don�t know who they really are inside?

*shrugs* It was just a thought. Rambling thoughts mostly. And now I will take my leave and sit in the ant graveyard and read Middlemarch. *squish* There�s number 27.

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