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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2002-10-13 - 8:21 p.m.

Fall Break was awesome! The drive back from VA to Bloomington with Mom was alright. We talked about a story I'm writing and my options for next year (college wise). She seems to think that it might be a good idea for me to come home to IU. *Shrugs* I don't know. I at least want to look at Ithica. We got back in time for dinner on Wednesday and I had a great time playing with Winston!

On Thursday I woke up early and mowed the lawn. It hadn't been mowed since I left so it was rather long. As some of you may recall the lawn mower broke this summer when I got my wisdom teeth pulled... or rather, it finally died. My folks bought this new one which is lighter, but I don't like it as much. It pulls a lot and is hard to start because it's got this lever right in front of the choke so I kept whacking my hand on it. Ended up busting the skin open actually. Anyway, so as I was mowing the lawn I couldn't help but notice that a lot of it had been flattened down. "It looks like someone drove a truck through our yard," I later told my mother to which she responded: "they did."

"Oh," I said thinking for a moment. "...oh." Apparently the drove a rental truck around the side to help move all of mom's stuff out of her store downtown and into the basement. She was recently kicked out because the landlord decided to up the rent by something ridiculous like 49%.

After that I did some yard work, washed up and then went out with Susan and Alex. We immediatly went out to Steak n' Shake because there aren't any in VA. A very sad thing indeed. We had a great time just laughing and talking and then we went shopping which is always an adventure between the three of us. I'm surprised that we don't drive Susan insane. Or maybe we do and she just doesn't tell us. =P "How about these shoes?" I'll say. "Those are they same shoes you picked up two minutes ago and no! You still can't get them! They're ugly," she'll say. "What? They're the same ones!" I'll exclaim looking at them closely.

Friday I helped my mother and did some homework followed by lunch with James's mother at Yen Chings (very interesting. We mostly talked about James of course), and then some more quality time with Alex. We were going to go bowling but ended up hanging out on Kirkwood drinking stuff from Soma's instead.

Saturday I went out to the farm and went on a walk with Elizabeth (Chris's sister). We talked about how Chris has someone met Bob Scales in Purdue and has pseudo hooked up with him! Very scary. And further more she's best friends with Joseph's ex-girlfriend! Very weird.

Then this morning I woke up early, got to church late and left for here (VA) right afterwards. The drive was actually pretty nice. Well, except for that whole "it feels like I'm sinking back into hell" type of feeling.

The one thing that I didn't like about the drive is how Kentucky seems to go on forver! Really it's a rather mind boggling experience. At one point I was cruising along going about 75 in a 65 and I had passed someone but had not bothered to get into the right lane yet when I looked up into my rearview mirror and there was this state trooper behind me. I gulped and ignored him as he got frustrated and passed me on the right. He then caught up to these two cars in front of me. One was getting ready to pass another but stopped when he saw the cop. Then the cop passed them and pulled in front of them and started going right at 65. The one car decided to try and pass them going about 67. I, of course, was now right behind them telling them (aloud though they probably couldn't hear me) "don't be afraid." And then, just as that car got right in front of that cop he turned on his lights and pulled them over. Kentucky's just weird.

Anyway, now I'm here safe and sound and have gone back to worrying about the sniper guy who keeps picking people off. And it's not all that far from here. It's got people worried. We're all hoping that it ends soon.

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