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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2003-10-06 - 4:25 p.m.

Wow! What an awesome weekend! I wasn't productive at all homework wise, but I definately was social wise.

On Friday I almost made it through an entire work period without getting yelled at. Not quite though. *sigh* Maybe this week.

For getting up at five in the morning I was incrediably perky the rest of the day. I'm still trying to figure out how I managed it. I decided not to question it though and went with in. This scared many people as I was jumping and skipping around... occasionally singing.

Schwang and I were suppose to go play a round or two of miniature golf. He said he had gotten directions to the nearest one, a couple towns away. Of course, what he didn't tell me was that his directions were "go south." Real helpful. To make a long story short, we never did find the place and ended up driving for about an hour instead. This, however, did give us ample time to discuss what we were going to do about dinner. Though Schwang was intent on taking me out to the State Dinner for gyros I was insistent that we make them ourselves. This would have been a great idea if we had been able to find all the ingredients with ease. Instead, I ended up dragging the poor guy to two different grocery stores where I finally weasled the butcher into cutting up lamb all special like for me. I batted my eyes and flashed my smile, but I think it was the dimples that really sent him over-board. *coughs* or something.

When we got back to Schwang's apartment so that I could start cooking he mentioned that maybe we should try and get into the concert that was going on (the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra). Nevermind that it was sold out and we didn't have tickets. So, I started the meat marinating and we went over there and tried to get our friend, Whitney, to let us in. She wouldn't, of course. So we headed back to the apartment. Joe was home with a couple of his friends at this point. So we had a nice household of vegetarians while I cooked lamb. =) And then they all left cause they said it smelled too good and they didn't want to be tempted. Ha!

Dinner was good... not fabulous, but it was good. Afterwards Schwang and I hung out talking and such.

Saturday, I got up late, did laundry, ate lunch and headed to the "PC Campus Tour of DOOM!" We added the "of doom" part just... well, because we could. We were hoping people would go "wow! Hard core!" and come. But they didn't. So it was a group of five of us. We discussed the Bible and decided to stay in the chapel and eat chips and soda instead of going outside cause it was raining and hailing (though compared to the weather earlier that week it was nothing. They have here, what locals like to call "Ithacating" where it snows, rains and hails all at the same time. I didn't believe it when they told me about it. Then i got caught in it!).

After that Kristin and I came back up to my room with full intentions of practicing our sign language. Instead, we ended up talking for three hours! Then we practiced sign for a full five minutes and called it a day.

At this point it was about 6. So, I called Susan who came over with her guitar. She grabbed the guitar I just bought and laughed at it (it is pretty crappy). "haha! jamming in a dimenished chord!" And so forth.

We went to dinner with a couple of her friends then the two of us came back to my room where we practiced for a performance we're going to do during church service in a couple weeks with me on banjo and her on guitar. It's going to be quite awesome!

After Susan left I pretty much just hung around and did homework.

Sunday was, as usual, a great day! At service I collected the offering and did one of the prayers, which scared me half to death but I did it anyway. Brunch was cool especially since some of the Catholic Community joined us! After brunch came a special treat!

Schwang, Susan, Larry and I went down to Ithaca's Annual AppleFest! It was soooo cool! There was a jug band, a bluegrass band, arts and crafts, jugglers, and of course lots and lots of apples! It was so much fun! And from there we headed to the library's book sale which they do twice a year and is the third largest one in the country. I kept thinking that it couldn't be that big... then I walked into the warehouse, and they handed me a map. Yeh, it was THAT big.

Oh! Before I forget to mention it completly, Joe, Schwang's roommate, gave me his old guitar case! It's absolutely wonderful! I feel so bad putting such a crap guitar in such a nice case, but what can you do?

Moving on. We all came back to campus, and I did homework until prayer at six o'clock. Larry made me lead another prayer saying I needed the practice. =P Afterwards, instead of going to dinner like we usually do, we headed up to the Hill Center and met up with our friends Kristin (the one who was in my room for three hours) and Matt (who she is dating). They were holding places for us in line to go see Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from "Whose Line is it Anyway."

I must admit, it was a bit weird when the security people seperated us into boys and girls. The guys went a lot faster so us girls were left out in the cold for some time before we got into the building and they searched us... for cameras. =P

The show was good and worth the ten dollars I paid to go see it. At one point I actually doubled over laughing. It felt good! Especially since the only other time I ever did that was the first time I saw Eddie Izzard, and that was a LONG time ago!

Well, that's it from my end for now. I had best get back to sewing my pants back together. *pauses* Don't ask.

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