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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2004-05-18 - 8:06 p.m.

Well, a lot has happened since I've last written. I made it through my first year at Ithaca College and am currently living with Joe and Eric (Schwang) in an apartment just off the entrance of the campus. I'll be staying in NY this summer. Originally I was planning on taking a course to help me catch up with credits and so I wouldn't have to take 2 production courses in a semester, BUT the course would cost almost $3000 to take and I just don't have that kind of money. I'm a little disappointed but I know I will find ways to fill my time.

Currently I'm working a job as a breakfast waitress at the Clarion Hotel. Thankfully I only have two more shifts. I've been going nuts. My shift starts at 6am which means I have to be up at 5 which is 48 minutes before the sun rises. But the worst part about my job is my co-woker - Tyron. He thinks life is one big episode of Jerry Springer and likes to ask me questions such as "if you cheated on your boyfriend and got pregnant, would you tell your boyfriend it's his kid?" When I respond that that's a stupid question because it's morally wrong and would never happen he launches into a story about how it happened to one of his ten kids. Furthermore he likes to talk about how he has sex with his wife and in what positions. Which is too much info for my tastes. And in case I wanted him to stop there he talks about how for half of his kids he didn't even know they were coming because his wife is so heavy that he can't tell if she's pregnant or not. I finally got up and went into the back room when he asked what I did for sexual fun.

Asside from being a bad conversationalist, Tyron has a cheating problem. He cheats the guests out of money and keeps it for himself and this bothers me to no end. I realize that as a college student I'm not making enough to really justify working there, and that him, with ten kids, probably needs a lot more money than I do, but the situation never justifies wrong actions. I'll be talking to my manager about it some time over the next two days.

Eric and I will be going to our friend's wedding this weekend. We had a grand time tyring to pick out what to get her as a wedding gift - this is, of course, after I explained that we needed to get a wedding gift even though we got a gift for her at the wedding shower already. We actually sat down in the middle of the store and debated about what would be a good gift. And it took me 15minutes to explain to him what a wedding gift should or should not be.

Me: "No, you can't get them a table."

Schwang: "Why not?"

Me: "Well, first of all - it's ugly."

"It is not!"

"It is too."

"You said you liked this one - and this one is exactly the same as that one."

"No no. The one I said I liked is finished. It's a nice dark wood. The one you want to buy is unfinished and looks like it was made out of plywood."

"It does not... well... sort of."

"Besides, you can't get a table for a wedding gift."

"Why not?"

"Do you know where they're living next year?"

"Uh... no."

"So what if they don't need a table?"

"Well, what if she doesn't need your salad bowls.'

"Everyone needs salad bowls, dear."

"But we don't have salad bowls,"

"I know. And it drives me crazy!!!"

And then when I was wrapping the gift we finally did get (a really cute picnic backpack) I ran out of paper and my roommate Joe says "well why don't you just use newspaper."

"you're kidding right?"

"No. I'd use it."

"I can't use newspaper."

"Why not?"

"Because my etiquette would come out of my body and kill me - that's why. This is a wedding! What is wrong with you boys!"

Geesh. I don't know what they'd do without me. They definately wouldn't have a toliet paper holder or a really cute fish shower curtain, that's for sure. HA!

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