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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2002-09-01 - 9:21 p.m.

This weekend was the official first weekend of the school year. Hollins kicked it off right with a five hour dance which started at 8 and went till 1 in the morning. I, of course, did not attend a good portion of it. In fact, at first I refused to go and insisted on washing my laundry. Thankfully, my new friend Marly has more sense than I do, "no college student should be doing laundry on a Friday night. You're coming!" To which I quickly replied, "but my clothes are in the dryer!" That bought me another half hour before I actually went.

The dance turned out to be really cool though. I was there in time to hear the last band and I danced a lot!!! My knee still kind of hurts from it all. I liked the music so much I actually bought one of their cds, which of course, I have lost by now. =P Whatever.

I got back to my room sometime after one and didn't go to bed until two or so. I was extrememly excited and it was hard to make the following morning and afternoon go by quickly enough. Why you ask? Because James came to visit me!!!

Yes, folks, that's right! My shy little James rode in a car with my cynical dry humored father for hours on end and actually enjoyed it! I'm still trying to figure that one out. But boy was it good to see him! I hugged him so tight and I can't remember the last time I saw him smile so much.

Dad, James, and I went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday and were quickly stalked by Erin (my crazy crazy friend down the hall) Marly, and Rebecca (the freshman friend with a car). We all had a good laugh about it and then my dad continued to eat the entire apeitizer of buffalo wings because James and I refused to eat them (they were hotter than.... uh... really hot stuff).

After supper I gave the boys a tour of the small darkened campus. We then returned to the hotel room to pass the pass the night until brunch the next morning.

Dad and James were fortunate enough to get their breakfast for free and afterwards we ran errands until, all too soon, it was time for them to go.

I was very sad and made it a point to cry when they left. I held the sobs in (though I'm not sure quite how) but let a few tears smudge my face.

I retreated to Erin's room where we did a bit of homework, played cards, talked, and waited for Marly to find us for dinner. I wasn't hungry but I went any way and ate a bowl of mandgerin oranges.

Is anyone else thinking this entry is becoming completely random?

Marly decided that she wanted to come with me to the library to watch this movie with me. I have to see it by next Thursday for my film class. We thought it would be simple, espeically since I work there I KNEW it should be simple. But, is anything every easy with me?

We got there and asked for the film which we have to watch there. That wasn't a problem. We then went into the viewing room where there were three TVs and three girls (two at one and one at another). The girl that was flying solo and watching the film we watched in class last week, was wearing headphones like you're suppose to. However, the other two girls weren't because they can't hook up dual headphones. *sighs* So Marly and I went to the last TV and...

Marly: umm....

Me: It's a VHS player

Marly: *looks at DVD*

So I took the DVD back out to the desk and asked them for the VHS copy. Promptly after recieving it I went back into the room and accidently let the door slam. The girls gave me a look that could even kill President Taft.

So I returned to our TV and put the tape in, pressed play... *pause* pressed play... fastforward? Nada. I let out a long sigh as I checked the back of the VCR to find it not plugged in. So we stopped the tape I connected red wire to red outlet, white wire to white outlet and yellow wire to yellow outlet. Pressed play... ah! video.... *coughs*

Marly: Is this a silient film?

Me: *sighs* No.

So I checked the back of the TV and low and behold, there is a different jack for the sound so the cable can't physically be plugged in. Oh the annoyance.

We head out of the room, disturbing the two girls for the third of fourth time.

The girl running the desk is named Meg. I can't stand Meg and unfortunately I must suffer throug her in two classes and during newspaper meetings, not to mention now in my story. Now, let me give you a little background about the job of running the media center. You sit behind the desk, play games on the computer, get people videos, and if they ask and no one is in there they can use the Jackson Screening Room, you just have to unlock it for them. No big deal. Right?

Well, Meg took forever to do anything and then called out her supervisor twice to ask about the TV that I told her wasn't working and then after I asked about the screening room she refused to even ask her supervisor if it was okay to use the screening room and instead insisted that we use the viewing room and try to fix the TV and put the other two girls on headphones (I don't know why she was so insistent about that part). Fairly soon after I start arguing with her, the supervisor (for weekends and evenings who thankfully I don't have to deal with because he's totally uncool) comes out. Goes into the viewing room starts moving chairs around comes back out and says, "oh yeah, that's the TV that's broke" which is what I have been saying all along. And then tries to set us up on yet, a different laser disc TV. *sighs* Rather than explaining to him that the movie doesn't come in laser disc I just say that this has all become too much of a hassle and that I'll just come back at a later time. And then... they get mad. *hits head* They give me the death stare as if they've put so much effort into this, so I did the only thing I could. I turned around, grabbed Marly, and we ran and we ran and we ran. Until... we stopped and did the remainder of out homework outside while being vicously attacked by misquitos.

The End

(I know you're thankful)

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