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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

- 9:58 a.m.

So Hollins was having this HUGE party for our presidents anuguration and there was some ridiculous amount of people coming - 2500 plus Janet Reno. Now who wants to stay on a campus built for 900 when twice that many people are showing up? No me for one. So when James said "Can you come to the dance with me this Friday?" I said, "Sure." He was a bit surprized but from what I was told very excited and happy. Someone told me that he was actually skipping up and down the hallway saying "my girlfriend's coming! My girlfriend's coming!" =)

So, Erin (my loyal loving friend) and I packed our stuff and at 9pm on Wed. night we left Hollins and traveled to her house in Cleveland, OH (or right outside there rather). I slept for six hours, got up, and then continued on to WI, getting there around 9pm or so... maybe it was 10 - I don't really remember. But I do remember James coming out and giving me a big hug! He took me inside and he introduced some people to me, showed me his room and finally showed me where I as going to be sleeping... with two girls on the floor downstairs.

The girls were both very nice. The problem was that one of them snored and it kept me up ALL night! So I was very tired when James came in the next morning to say he was going to class. I was also very sore - as hard lenolium floors are not comfortable to lay on. Grr.

So I got up and went back to James's room and took over his bed where I slept for a couple hours while he was at class. Later that afternoon I took James's roommate James (who Erin and I refer to as J2) out to a thrift store with a couple other friends. I helped him pick out a suit for the dance and told him about my sleepless night.

"WHAT!" he said. "James made you sleep on the floor with people who snore!? Girlfriends don't sleep on floors. I'll get you a matress and you can sleep in our room tonight." I'm sure I grinned from ear to ear cause I was so happy! My very own matress! How exciting!

Eventually it got around to being time to go to the dance - Swing Dance that is. After a quick lesson from Eric, James's RLA, we were on our way. I wore a shirt and tight shirt despite my stupid skin problems.

And the dance? It was one of the most wonderful expereinces of my entire life. I always wanted to date a boy who could dance and now I am! I had no idea he had so many moves up his sleeve! And he's suave too! What more could a girl want? And what is even better is that it turns out that I can dance too! So it was a spectacular evening of dancing that ended all too soon for me and I even got to dance with Keegan White once or twice which was nice. It's good to see him. I miss having him around.

James and I went back to the dorm while J2 stayed to help clean up. J2 was true to his word and I got to sleep on a matress in their room. Very wonderful! And of course, the alarm went off all too early for me to get up and head back to Ohio.

James and I said goodbye and he gave me some gas money as well as a couple cds for me to listen to on the drive back. I was very happy and daydreamed a lot on my drive back to Ohio. I got to Erin's house around 10 - had dinner - went to bed - got up in 9 hours and she and I drove back to Hollins. It was a spectacular weekend that I will never forget!

Thank you, James! Thank you Lawrence University!

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