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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2003-05-05 - 10:03 p.m.

Okay, first off every one here sucks! I can't believe you guys! Here it is, the golden opportunity to go see Bela Fleck LIVE in concert and you guys are ditching me to watch Dawson's Creek. Now, I'm not one to complain - but what the heck! You guys don't have your heads screwed on tight. So if anyone wants to go with me and can make it out here to VA for the 14th of May (7:30pm) I have an extra ticket.

Moving on now.

This weekend Erin and I decided to... I hate to use the phrase "pick on" but for lack of a better one... pick on Richard. He unwittingly told us which car was his so we did what any young lady would do. We parked my car an inch away from the mirror on his driver side. Muahahahaha. It was so tight we couldn't even squeeze through side-ways. It was wonderful! In fact, we were so proud of our accomplishment that we came back after dinner to get our picture taken with it. Really, it was art.

I should pause to mention that Richard is working the sound system for the Hollins Dance Recitals. Since he had tech all day he said he didn't have time to have dinner with Erin and I. Being the nice young ladies that we are (cough) we brought him a pizza, fries, and a diet coke. Except that Richard wasn't at the theater when we came to deliver his wonderful meal. "Hmm... odd," we thought. Not thinking about it too much more except for what the hell we were going to do with the diet coke (no one in their right mind likes diet coke and yet this man can easily go through 3L of it in a day! crazy), we headed out to the cars. BUT!!! He had moved it one space over!

"NO!!!" Erin and I hollered. "We didn't even get to see the look on his face." We paused... looked at each other... hopped in the car and moved it even closer than the first time. With an evil chuckle Erin and I headed to the dance recital so that we could know when to hang out by the cars to watch his reaction.

The recital was... interesting though definately not my thing. Afterwards Erin and I hung out in the parking lot playing hacky sack until finally Richard appeared. We took our hiding places behind a truck. Richard walked up to his car and his head sank and his arms went out. I popped up. "Got a problem, buddy?"

At that his pointer finger swung around, aimed at me. "You!" He said. "I already climbed through my car once today and I was sick." And so continued the story with his explanation of why he had gone out and such.

Fast forward to Saturday night. Erin and I found Richard's car again. This time instead of parking on the driver side we parked as close as possible on the passenger side and left a note saying "Punk! Why'd you park so close to my car! Now I can't get in!"

Today wasn't as entertaining in regards to the strategic car parking. Though we did manage to trick him into going to Walmart which was funny to say the least. Especially since he didn't notice the industrial strength paper towels we left of his windsheild that said "Clean Me!" on them until we got back and Erin and I were half way out of the lot.

So that, in a nutshell, was my weekend.

Do I have any takers on the concert yet?

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