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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2003-05-20 - 9:07 p.m.

Here I am back home in Indiana. Sigh. It's very much the same but different at the same time. I have my crap office job again which I start tomorrow and, of course, all the cool people who were fun to bug are gone. James is still in WI and I have a feeling it could be weird seeing him daily. And I'm not allowed to ride my bike any more. Of course, that didn't stop me from riding it up to Lauren's house today but now I can barely walk. This majorly sucks and Mom still thinks I'm faking it.

I made it back to b-town in time for the Wedding Reception. I caught the bouquet and spent the rest of the time wondering why it was that I wasn't allowed to bring a date to dance with but my brother was. Oh, the mysteries that will never be solved.

I'm actually rather sad to have left Hollins. Virginia was really nice and every once in awhile there was something to do like go to a hockey game or a Bela Fleck concert (which was AWESOME! by the way). I'm definately going to miss my job. I couldn't have asked for a better one. Seriously, how many people get paid for playing Snood for the majority of the afternoon or for doing homework? People keep asking me if I'm excited to be going to Ithaca next year. I'm not excited at all actually. If anything I'm dreading it. I'm tired of moving around. I'm sick of switching schools. I just want to go back to something familiar. I want to go some place where I know someone. And I'm not too thrilled about the weather up there. In addition to all that I'm nervous about what type of support system I will have friend wise. Patrick is never online. I can't talk to Erin about these sorts of things. Julie is usually busy. Susan, Alex, Martin, and Kyle never seem to be around or respond when they are. Who knows what James will be up to at that point. And I can't really count on my parents for much of anything any more.

I have a feeling this could be a crap summer. It's starting out like most of the rest. Me with my determination to make sure that my parents have nothing to complain about with me. "I'll work the stupid 40 hours a week. Come home. Mow the lawn. Read a book and go to bed. Then on Friday nights I will go out with Alex and Susan and/or James. Weekends will be spent doing the chores they don't want to do and on Tuesdays I'll eat Tacos with Lauren." Of course, it never ends up that way. We'll see how long it lasts this time.

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