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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



contact esperence

2003-07-10 - 9:10 p.m.

Now that I'm here in Bloomington all alone (yes the entire town has fled) I suppose that I have the time to update my journal and let you know what all has been going on...

not much really.

There! All done! (then why is this scroll bar so long?) =P

My birthday was actually a lot of fun - I was very surprized and VERY glad that Patrick spent the day with me! It's no fun being alone on your birthday.

The day started out much like any other day. I woke early, showered and got dressed. Shortly there after Chris picked me up! It was so nice to see her. I haven't seen her since the end of May. She took me out for breakfast at the Uptown. We were going to go to The Village Deli for pancakes but they were closed. *sniff*

That was followed by some down time at home and a game of Scrabble with my parents. Mom insisted that I cheated with the word "Qi" saying that it wasn't a word, but there it was in the dictionary. She, however, still refused to believe it.

From there, I picked up Lauren and she and I headed downtown to march in the 4th of July parade. Shortly after arriving at the marching band's meeting area I called Patrick because Ms. Stockhouse insisted that we needed more shirts... we didn't. But it was nice to have Pat there anyway. Lauren wasn't being very talkative and when she was it was about her dances from Caberet complete with demonstrations, or shouting to Ms. Stockhouse that it was my birthday and getting the entire band to sing to me - in harmony of course.

Marching was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it! Bonus - Coco got it on video so I can watch myself march in time whenever I feel like it! Rock on! There was a bit of a dilema when there was a huge gush of wind that nearly knocked Lauren and I over and did, indeed, knock one of the color gaurd memebers over who was carrying the American flag. This then caused the other two memembers who were walking beside her to dive for the flag to keep it from hitting the ground. Eventually they got it all settled but still marched too close to Lauren and I and never really got the hang of marching in time. =P

After returning home I thought my skin was melting off from all the heat but was nevertheless happy! Patrick came over fairly soon after the parade and presented me with the most amazing drawing I've ever seen in my life. I suggest that you ALL make a trip over to my house to see it. I plan on having it hanging up within a couple weeks (I have to get it framed first).

Mom broke out the chocolate truffle birthday loaf (sounds funny but tastes SO good). I failed at blowing out the candles even though there were only 10. We ate and departed for Penny and Steve's fourth of July picnic/cookout/firework/thing.

Once there we were promptly greeted by Gracie, that dog I can't stand, who was wet... very wet and decided to help cool everyone down by shaking off on them. Later she bipassed the people and went for the food making sure everything had an even coating of pool water on it before dinner ever started. Patrick and I jumped in the pool. We swam, dunked and played not only with each other but the two kids who are always there: Nikki and Ethan. At one point Ethan yelled at me for "drowning (my) husband" in reference to when I dunked Patrick. Pat got a kick out of that and so did I. However, I wasn't all that amussed when Pat accidently spilled root beer in my hair (don't ask). But it rinsed out just fine and gave my hair a nice sticky glow about it till my next shower.

After dinner we all went out and watched the fireworks... well, I sort of watched the fireworks through covering my ears and closing my eyes at the bright ones. I'm a wuss.

When the Grand Finale was over and the kids stopped asking "is this the grand finale? is THIS the grand finale?" we had birthday brownies and I once again failed to blow out all my candles. I think I need to practice breathing exercises or something.

That pretty much concluded my birthday except for some video games with Pat and him making fun of me because cats like him better... I'm trying to convince myself that I don't really care. =P Dogs are better anyway.

The weekend after was mostly a lot of yard work. My folks and I got a lot done and now there's only about half a load of multch taking up my parking space in the driveway. I spent most of my day on Sunday running lights for church. It went well and I had a lot of fun! It's been so long since I've had the opportunity to run a board! It was great!

This week has gone by pretty quickly. I hung out with Patrick some and Erin came to visit me on Tuesday. We stayed up playing games with Patrick. She went to Holiday World with Andrew on Wednesday and today she went shopping with me since the night before we cleaned out my closet. I've taken yet another step on the journey that Julie started me on over four years ago. I'm proud to say that as I write this tonight I am wearing pants that fit. Amazing isn't it? So, a hundred and fifty dollars later I have about 9 new shirts and a couple pairs of pants to start me off on. It's weird having clothes that fit and leaves me wondering... where am I ever going to put my wallet?

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