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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



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2004-03-18 - 8:21 p.m.

Where have I been, eh? Enjoying life - basically. After the TN trip everything kind of settled into a groove. My classes this term aren't great - my Studio Production and Direction prof. and I don't get along at all, but then again - no one in the class likes him so I don't feel TOO outcasted by that but I'm definately the one he picks on. Anyone in the class will tell you so. I typically complain about him on Mondays and Wednesday's to Schwang and Susan after I've spent 2 hours in his class essentially getting yelled at. I call him the Adirondeck's Man since he commutes from up there. Anyway, with all the yelling at me he does I was most suprized when he told me yesterday that I did a good job directing. I did so good in fact that he only made me direct twice instead of 4 or 5 times like the others. Everyone starred at him in disbelief for a solid 5 seconds before we were yelled at to get moving into our new positions. =P

The entry before this one, the Winter Wonderland Timeline, or whatever it's called is from a small town newspaper where Schwang's parents have a cabin. A few weeks ago we went up to visit his parents (I like them a lot), and his mom had me read it. I laughed so hard that I started crying which entertained his mother to no end. She actually ran and got me tissues so excited that I thought her article was funny. Though I'm sure most of you won't enjoy it as much as I did, I hope you at least got a smile out of it.

Eric... er.... Schwang, sorry... and I went to Bloomington for Spring Break... well, part of spring break. What originally was suppose to be a week long trip turned into a two day stay. And seeing as it was a 12 hour drive there and then another 12 hours back I wasn't sure if the 24hours in the car would be made up for 48 hours at home. But it was. It definately was. No one was home when we got there, cept Winston! It was wonderful to see him! And after we wrestled a bit we went and got an Aver's pizza (Schwang came too). Sasha, an old friend of mine from middle school, was running the counter so it was neat to see him.

Schwang and I munched the pizza happily as we watched TV and got reaquinted with bad commercials. I got so zoned in fact that I didn't even notice when Mom came home. I just got back into the "Ahhh I'm home everything is back to normal" stage so quickly that I had forgotten I hadn't seen my mother in 3 months! Geesh! Dad got a big hug when he came home.

The next day, Tuesday, Schwang and I went to go visit my grandmother.... I think. Yeh - that was Tuesday. We had a nice time talking to her for about an hour and half then we returned home, ate lunch, loaded Winston up into the car and headed out to Lake Monroe. We found some trail out by the resevior and some creek. I discovered very quickly that I am incrediably out of shape. It was painful in fact. Schwang helped me though, and it's a good thing we went on because we were greeted by an excellent veiw of the lake and sky when we got to the end of the trail and of course Winston jumped right into the freezing cold water. Silly dog. =)

We made it back to the car okay though Winston and I insisted that we walk. No more running for that day. It felt good though. A lot better than I ever remember it feeling. We hurried home, showered and hoped in the car with Mom and Dad and headed up to Indy where we ate at BUCCA DI BEPPOS!!!!! one of the best resteraunts in the world!

If you haven't been to a Bucca di Beppos I highly recommend you try it. Don't go alone though, the portions are huge! One entre is suppose to feed 4-6 people. A side of garlic bread comes to you on a full sized pizza pan if that gives you any idea. Starting on Monday they introduced the Bucca Small portion which only served 2-3 people - which is what we ended up going with when we ordered. Mom and Dad went for some meat platter thing. Schwang and I had this hallowed out pasta with special sause. We all had this really great salad, garlic bread with cheese (served with cloves of garlic on it), and Dad couldn't help but order the meatball that was advertized as being as big as your head. And sure enough... three of their meatballs weighs as much as the average human head. =P For dessert Schwang got the Taramasu, which I don't really care for so Dad and Mom let me order the chocolate cannolis which were fabulous! I highly recommend them - but eat them there, they get soggy when you take them home and then they're not very good.

After we were stuffed beyond belief and had leftovers to feed an army, we went and saw the Lion King! The musical! The costumes and the dancing were amazing! Our view kind of sucked but it was still really cool - minus a lot of the bad acting, but I can overlook that. I don't think it's something I'd see again but I'm glad I saw it that one time. It was a lot of fun and I think Dad stayed awake through the whole thing!

Uh oh... I lied. We went to see Grandma on Wednesday morning... what did we do Tuesday morning then. Hmmm... maybe we just slept - I don't know. We were going to go running again after lunch but my legs couldn't handle it. So, then we were going to go biking - but we didn't have 2 helmets. So we ended up helping mom clean out the garage by taking an old dresser, a bike and some other things to the Goodwill store. After that we went out to May's Greenhouse where Schwang fell in love with a plant (his first love of a plant really - I'm so proud!) and I spent ove $40 on the plants I fell in love with. I replaced the african violet Joe killed... I'm still bitter about that though - and it's definately not the same and I still want my pot back! GRRrrrr..... I'm okay.

From there we headed to Tom and Mia's house. They helped me out with a film project I have to do for my Studio Prod. class. And if it seems weird to you that I'm doing feild production in my studio production class even though next semester I'll be taking the required feild production class where you can't use Studios and Studio is not suppose to use field work that technically the students haven't learned yet - well, it's weird to all of us too. Anyway, I filmed them trying to get their DVD player to work - with no sucess (not their fault though - it was "The Ten Commandments" fault.). I was really glad they helped me out and then on top of that they loaded me up with tons of snack food! It was awesome! =) I have a cool family.

After dinner with Mom and Dad, Schwang and I filmed my Mom running the DVD player. She managed fairly well, and now I just have to edit them all together.

I cried a lot that night before bed. Schwang held me through all of it. I was just so sad to have to come back. Not that I don't like Ithaca. I love it here, but I miss being home. I miss seeing my dog. I miss being with my parents. I miss Bloomington. It's a good place to be. The trip was definately too short but I'm glad I went and I'm REALLY glad Schwang came with me. I couldn't have done it without him.

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