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Farewell - 2006-03-15
still at work - 2005-08-22
an 8 month summary - 2005-08-17
Happy Holidays - 2004-12-15
in short - USA is fucked - 2004-11-03



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2004-08-17 - 10:09 a.m.

I'm back from Tenn. It was a great trip! It was really nice to meet some of Schwang's relatives. They were all very nice and I don't think I've ever met Southern Baptists with such a sense of humor. I only stopped laughing long enough to eat their mighty tasty southern food. By the end of the trip Schwang said he might not mind moving to the south! YES!!! I don't know how long I can take these winters. Right now I'm all fine in dandy but in a couple months I'll be miserable - at least weather wise.

And speaking of weather, it was really freaking cold in Tenn! As soon as we got there (of course) a cold front hit them. It probably never got above 80 and got down to the high 40s at night. I was freezing and never did get to wear my shorts. I was a little disappointed.

The wedding itself was interesting. Too much singing (and not really all that good singing either) for my taste. It was simple though and apparently the sisters of the bride prepared most everything - including making all the mints and the box of truffles for everyone to take home with them (which are REALLY good).

I did meet a lot of people while I was there and I just hope I don't forget who is who. With there being 7 kids in that family it's a little hard to keep everybody straight. But I've at least gotten to the point where I can name everyone. Check this out (clears throat):

Becky - she's the oldest one who got married last year to this guy named Jared. He's a scrawy white guy who is very nice and very funny.

Amanda-got married this summer to a guy named Matthew who apparently twisted his ankle and fell in a pool the night before his wedding - he blames his groomsmen. The rest of the family blames Jared.

Ian - he's my age and apparently went to school last year in Puerto Rico. He has transfered somewhere but I don't remember where.

Katie- she's 17 and very cool. Plays piano and I'm trying to get her to at least come look at IC since she wants to be a music major.

Emily - I have no idea which one she is or what she does.

Kirstin- I probably spelled her name wrong but I don't know who she is either.

Paul - the youngest one who, apparently, likes wearing army pants and going to Walmart. He kept to himself for the most part and who wouldn't when they have FOUR older sisters! Poor guy.
That's it for the kids. Moving on! I'm on a roll!

Aunt Nancy -mother of all these kids and sister of Schwang's father. She's very funny and has lots of good stories!

Uncle Mickey - father of these kids and, obviously, husband of Nancy.

Nana/Grandma - Mother of Nancy and Schwang's Dad and is quite possibly the coolest grandmother I've ever met. She's hilarious and even though she had a sprained ankle that was easily swollen to three times the size of her normal ankle, she insisted on doing everything herself, including crawling around underneath a bed to set up a place for me to sleep! And she even made me sticky buns and showed me embarrassing pictures of the entire family. I never knew Papa Schwang liked cowboys so much! Teehee!

I think that's it...

I might actually have my class schedule worked out for this coming semester. I've been tinkering with it a lot recently. The communications school was really mean and went behind my back and changed the professor teaching my 8am class. So, my hardest class of my TVR degree career was going to be taught by my least favorite teacher at 8am. No, wasn't going to happen. As a direct result I spent a solid 3 hours on campus running around from one group of people to the next switching out of her awful class and getting put into a writing class. I don't need the writing credit, but I like writing and it will be fun and so much more enjoyable than being greated by Prof. Morgenstern first thing in the morning (shudders at the thought).

This afternoon I have a meeting with Allison (the PC chaplain). I'm not quite sure what we're going to discuss. There's a lot of things I need to start working on (as the Service chair), but I have no idea where to begin, who to contact and so on and so forth. Hopefully I'll be making at least some progress.

The rest of my day is pretty typical - well, typical for the past couple weeks at least: eat lunch with Schwang and move stuff. I'm really getting sick of moving things and setting up my computer. Granted, it's a lot quicker to set up than my PC ever was, but this will be like 8 times in two months or something ridiculous like that.

Tomorrow I have my first meeting with my boss at the church as well as the comittee of... uh... of... educational stuff. I think that's their technical name. =P I'm a little nervous because I still have no idea what I'm suppose to be doing or why they hired me, but at least that minister won't be there. I really can't stand him. Or he shouldn't be there anyway. He seems like the type who would just show up to check on everything - "Make sure it's going okay." especially since the entire committee is women. You gotta watch out for them you know.

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